After much contemplation as to how to get our dog, Ruby back from Gramma’s in Washington, (she lovingly doggysat our girl while we sailed down the rough part of the West coast) we decided to make a road trip out of it. Turns out none of us could bear putting her on a plane. So, Gramma wrangled up her BFF Vicki and drove South to Crescent City while we drove North. We were all excited to do a little land exploring, drive along part of the coast we’d never seen before and explore the Redwoods forest.

Gramma O with Ruby in Neah Bay, WA (aka the edge of the world- LOL)
It was going to be about a 6.5 hour drive from Emeryville to Crescent City, so we picked up our rental car the day before and got an early start the next morning, heading out at 6am to try to beat the morning rush hour.

Ruby with all her luxuries at Gramma’s house.
We stopped in Eureka to get a bit to eat at a taco shop, Jason got a haircut (we couldn’t find one within walking distance of the marina in Emeryville and Jason was getting pretty bushy) and then we continued on our way!
We arrived in Crescent City after a lovely scenic drive at about 2:30pm and saw Gramma in the lobby with Vicki. We were so excited to be reunited with Ruby, who we’d been away from for about a month! She had become best buds with Gramma who took the most amazing care of her, so was a bit confused as to what was happening. We think she was hoping that Gramma and Vicki would be moving in with us 🙂

Reunited with Ruby!
After a nice dinner at the Chart Room Restaurant, we sat outside and watched nature’s entertainment- the sea lions piled on the docks, while the sun was slowly setting in the distance. After about an hour of amusement and laughter at the grumpy sea lions, we headed back to our hotel for a good night’s rest to get ready for our adventure back home the next day.

Sunset in Crescent City, CA

Dinner with Gramma O, Auntie V and the Bloom Crew

Watching the hilarious antics of the sea lions in Crescent City, CA

A little bat was hanging outside our room in the morning…
With a tearful farewell to Gramma and Auntie Vicki the next morning, we hugged, shook paws and said goodbye, then hit the road again. About an hour South of Crescent City there is an amazing pay-to-enter park called ‘The Trees of Mystery‘. A privately owned park with multiple trails to explore through the stunningly huge Redwoods Forest, The Trees of Mystery also boast a unique ‘Sky Trail’ gondola that hoists it’s riders into the sky, through the forest and up to a large look-out point at the top. From there, you can either take the gondola down, or you can hike back to the bottom. This was recommended for ‘advanced hikers only’ but we felt we could do it. It was a tricky, steep decent and we were glad that there were walking sticks supplied at the top of the trail down as there was a lot of loose rock. Especially tricky for the one holding the leash of the overly-eager whippet 😉

Amazingly huge Redwoods!

The ‘Brotherhood Tree’, Trees of Mystery in California

Ruby taking in the view from the gondola
Within about a half an hour, we reached the bottom of the trail and ‘exited through the gift shop’. For $16 for adults and $8 for kids, this fascinating park was well worth the cost. The best part was the extreme pet-friendliness of the park. Dogs were allowed everywhere– on all of the trails (on leash, of course) and even in the gondolas and the gift shop! So amazing and a wonderful option for those wanting to explore the Redwoods with their canine companions as the Redwoods National Park does not allow dogs (neither do any of the country’s National Parks)

Viewpoint from the top of the Sky Trail

Amazing views at the Trees of Mystery

Carson, collecting walking sticks for our hike down

Incredibly old tree, complete with historical timeline!
Continuing further south, we pulled over in Trinidad Head to view the dozens of Elk grazing at the side of the road there- spectacular!

Elk grazing in a field at Trinidad Head
The heat was building and the Bloom Crew was getting hot and thirsty, so we stopped at a roadside shop that featured a real house built inside the trunk of a tree that had been hollowed out by lightening some decades earlier. Complete with doors and windows, this was a unique site to be seen! Ice creams in hand, we hopped back into our rental Rav 4 and got back on the road.
We hit Marin around 5pm- right during rush hour- so we didn’t make it into Emeryville until about 6pm. Ruby was very excited to find her home floating there waiting for her and we were so pleased to have her back with us- although we know that she had a little sadness in her heart to be away from Gramma.
Time to show Ruby around San Francisco!
A note from Carson: “The coolest thing about the Redwoods Forest is that it was used as Endor in ‘Return of the Jedi’. So, basically, I’ve been to Endor.”